
Hello There

I am Pascal Standaar,
a (Dev)Ops Engineer
based in Leeuwarden.


More About Me

Pascal is a (Dev)Ops Engineer, but also a certified scrummaster. He is currently focused on gaining knowledge of Azure (Devops) to implement Data Solutions and Continuous Integration & Delivery.

A little more..

He has experience with ETL software, mostly within Informatica Powercenter. At first, he worked as a trainee at Atos, gathering knowledge of databases, ETL and IT methods like GIT and Scrum. Through client projects at companies like VGZ, RDW and Rabobank, he gained experience with these subjects.

Pascal is client-focused, flexible, patient and focused on results. He can work both independent or in a team situation.

Skills I've got & working on

  • 80%
    Azure Devops
  • 95%
    Powercenter 9.X & 10.X
  • 95%
    Scrum & Devops Methods
  • 60%
  • 60%

My Work Experience.

January 2019 - Present


Business Intelligence Consultant

In January of 2019, Pascal started as Business Intelligence Consultant at Ordina. Through 2019 and 2020 he worked on a project basis for RDW-ICT (Government) in Groningen, Netherlands

You can check out the project descriptions in the section below

2016 - 2018

Atos Netherlands

Business Intelligence Consultant

From 2016 untill 2018, Pascal worked at Atos Netherlands as a Business Intelligence Consultant. During these years, Pascal worked on multiple client projects.

• 2015-2016: Trainee BI, traineeship Business Intelligence & Big Data via Youngcapital;
• 2016-2017: Project VGZ, Ops Engineer. Most used skills: Informatica Powercenter, SQL;
• 2017-2018: Project DICTU, Project Management. Most used skills: SCRUM, Project Management;
• 2018: Project EventSite, Ops Engineer. Most used skills: SCRUM/DevOps, Linux, SQL, CI/CD;

You can check out the project descriptions in the section below

2014 - 2015

Arriva Nederland


Tijdens deze studieperiode heeft Pascal meerdere opdrachten uitgevoerd voor Arriva Nederland. Gedurende de eerste zes maanden is onderzoek gedaan naar hoe Arriva haar informatievoorziening kon verbeteren m.b.t. sociale veiligheidsincidenten (intern). De implementatie van het informatie-analyse systeem 'Duurzaam Verbinden' stond hierin centraal.

Met dit systeem krijgen vervoersbedrijven, politie en overheid beter inzicht in de veiligheid binnen en buiten voertuigen en rondom stations/haltes. Het doel van de (stage)opdracht was het vaststellen van gebruikerswensen en deze overleggen met de softwareontwikkelaar. Het tweede doel van het onderzoek was het adviseren over kwaliteitsverbetering van data over sociale veiligheidsincidenten. Meer informatie over Duurzaam Verbinden is te vinden op:

Tijdens de tweede periode heeft Pascal een afstudeeronderzoek gedaan naar de wijze waarop ICT kan helpen bij het professionaliseren van de meldkamer/verkeersleiding van Arriva. Hieruit volgde een advies, waarin aanbevelingen stonden voor het verbeteren van de te gebruiken software. Nieuwe functionaliteit stond hierin centraal.


See My Latest Projects.

Over the past few years, Pascal has worked for Ordina and Atos at multiple client locations. Below are summaries of some of these projects.

Arriva Netherlands (2014-2015)

Internship & Graduation

During the internship & graduation phase, Pascal worked on researching possebilities to enhance the information provided by the IT department, regarding Safety incidents (internal information). The implementation of analysis system 'Duurzaam Verbinden' was key during these months. During graduation, Pascal worked on researching possebilities to enhance the system used by Arriva's trafic control centre. For more info, check work-related information.

Atos - Youngcapital (2015-2016)

Trainee Business Intelligence

In 2016 Pascal started with a Traineeship at Youngcapital. After 3 months of studying BI tooling and Big Data fundamentals, Pascal started at Atos Netherlands.

Atos - Project VGZ (2016-2017)

Ops Engineer

Pascal werd bij zorgverzekeraar VGZ ingezet binnen het team “Technisch Beheer Powercenter”. Dit team was verantwoordelijk voor de werking van Powercenter, het uitvoeren van upgrades, oplossen van incidenten etc.
Pascal was als BI-specialist verantwoordelijk voor:
• Het beheren van Informatica Powercenter software;
• Het beheren van ontwikkelde componenten in dit product;
• Het beheren van workflows, labels, implementaties en planning;
• Het opstellen van documentatie over de Powercenter workflows.
• Het analyseren van problemen met Powercenter software en ontwikkelde componenten

Atos - DICTU (2017 - 2018)

Project Management

Pascal was gedurende 2 maanden werkzaam bij DICTU (Dienst ICT Uitvoering), voor het team TVS (Toegang Verlening Service). Dit team is verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van koppelingen met o.a. DigID

Pascal verrichtte als PMO (Project Management Ondersteuning) de volgende activiteiten:
• Het opstellen van decharges, offertes en facturen;
• Het bijhouden van overzichten van opstaande projecten, budgetten en uitgaven.
• Rapporteren naar klanten van TVS, m.b.t. de status van projecten

Atos - EventSite Project (2018)

Ops Engineer

Het Eventsite project is een binnen Atos ontwikkelde website voor het hosten van evenementen binnen en buiten Atos, voor medewerkers, relaties etc.

Pascal was daarbij als Ops Engineer verantwoordelijk voor:
• Het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van de database;
• Het beheren van de Linux servers en de daarop draaiende services, waaronder Docker en Tomcat;
• Het opzetten van een nieuwe ontwikkelstraat (OTAP-straat) met Devops als basis (via Jira en Jenkins);
• Uitrollen nieuwe software, zowel Java als Server-side software;

Ordina - Project RDW (2018-2021)

(Dev)Ops Engineer

In november of 2018, Pascal started at RDW-ICT, Serviceteam Business Intelligence (BI), as an Ops Engineer on project basis. The role includes both operational tasks and project work.

Some of the operational tasks:
Managing and resolving incidents on business and technical level, with: Informatica Powercenter, Microsoft SSAS and SSRS, scheduling (Opcon software), Socrata (Datasync) and more;
Deploying new and changed software related to Powercenter, Microsoft SSAS and SSRS, Socrata Datasync and more;

Through 2020, Serviceteam BI started the implementation of Azure Devops as version control system and CI/CD tool, with GIT as versioning method. Pascal became the lead, being responsible for implementing Azure Devops and migrating from the previous "versioning methods" (SharePoint)

Ordina - Rabobank (2021-2022)

(Dev)Ops Engineer

Since September 2021 works for a Ordina HPT (High Performance Team) placed at Rabobank as an Ops Engineer on project basis. The role includes the implementation of Azure Devops and migrating to it from other systems.

Some of the operational tasks:
Managing and resolving incidents on business and technical level, with: Informatica Powercenter, Microsoft SSAS and SSRS, scheduling (Opcon software), Socrata (Datasync) and more;
Deploying new and changed software related to Powercenter, Microsoft SSAS and SSRS, Socrata Datasync and more;

Through 2020, Serviceteam BI started the implementation of Azure Devops as version control system and CI/CD tool, with GIT as versioning method. Pascal became the lead, being responsible for implementing Azure Devops and migrating from the previous "versioning methods" (SharePoint)

What People Say.

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“As Lead of the Technology Lab, I believe that Pascal's input has ensured that the scrum principles were better applied in the project, a real contribution to the team.”

Jeannette Ramaker Lead Technology Lab, Atos (Groningen, Netherlands)
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“Pascal and I worked together in the Eventpoint project. In a very short time, Pascal has reviewed the project's backlog and improved, divided and clarified the stories. As a developer, I believe that Pascal's input ensured that the scrum/devops principles were better applied in the project. The way in which Pascal communicates is so pleasant that you know he really listens to you. This translated into the way he refined the userstories on the backlog.”

Michael Malhoe Software Developer, Ordina

Awards Received


Cups of Thee or Chocolate


Projects Completed


Happy Clients